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Assistive Technology


As the first private special education school in New Jersey to have an approved technology plan in 1998, Kingsway is a recognized leader in successfully integrating technology into all settings for students.


Through our unique and progressive KITE (Kingsway’s Initiative for Technology in Education) program we are able to provide our students with the latest technology to optimize learning and prepare them for their future.


In order to support students’ individual needs, assistive technology equipment, applications (apps) and services are oftentimes utilized to level the playing field and enable our students to function more efficiently in their job, home, and community.


An assistive technology device is any piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals. 


Some examples include:

  • VoiceOver on a mobile device for a student who is visually impaired

  • Special word prediction software to increase typing speed and assist with spelling

  • Switch use to allow access to mobile devices and computers

  • Environmental controls to allow students to perform kitchen tasks and leisure activities

  • Literacy software to help students access and comprehend information

  • Alternative access, such as eye-gaze and head mouse, to allow student to use dedicated speech devices and computers.

Assistive technology services directly assist the students at Kingsway in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device and/or application.


These services may include:

  • Assisting in integrating interventions or services with assistive technology devices in work and community settings

  • Training or technical assistance for the student or teacher, therapist, job coach, teacher assistant, one-on-one aide and/or family members

  • A service consisting of expanding the availability of access to technology, including electronic and information technology, to individuals

  • Training students in interventions and techniques to assist with obtaining skills that will increase employability (ie: time management and reminders on mobile devices)

  • The evaluation of individual needs

  • Assistance in purchasing, leasing or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology

  • Selecting, adapting, applying, maintaining or mounting assistive technology devices

As with all related and ancillary services at KLC, assistive technology screenings, evaluations and instructional integration are provided to all students in school programs whether or not they appear in their Individualized Education Plan.

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